Now in Progress — Fifth Regular Inspector General Election
Nominations are open! —
The Office of Inspectors General was first introduced all the way back in 2019. The OIG was originally founded as a neutral third party to evaluate and oversee WAX Guild Candidates but has grown way beyond this role over time.
The tasks the Office of Inspector General has to cover include, but do not conclude with:
- Publishing regular evaluation reports covering all Guild Candidates
- Improving and re-evaluating the OIG Evaluation Framework
- Monitoring, testing, and reviewing infrastructure and products provided by Guilds
- Mentoring and advising new Guilds on products and infrastructure
- Coordinating and supervising the continuous development of the WAX Blockchain in cooperation with the WAX Team, both in technical and governance aspects.
- Coordinating proposed changes to Chain and/or Governance with the Guild roster.
- Reviewing and supervising WAX Labs projects
- Preparing and editing educational content
As you can see, the requirements an IG has to fulfill are versatile. Feel free to check the Inspector General Onboarding Guide on Notion. While some knowledge can be acquired ‘on the job’, and the IGs usually complement each others skillset, a certain level of understanding and experience in technical aspects and blockchain governance is essential, especially when it comes to Antelope Smart Contract development and Nodes, while working proactively and independently being an absolute must. The currently required monthly dedication amounts to 100 to 140 hours. It is noted that the workload can vary drastically; this is the minimum to expect, and candidates should consider it a full-time commitment.
On a more personal level, an IG needs to stay objective, and level-headed, express oneself clearly and act de-escalating even under pressure or while being attacked on a personal level.
The new Inspector General will replace Rakeden and must take over at least parts of his responsibilities. Knowing one’s way with Git and proficiency in front-end development would be most welcome.
He will serve the community in collaboration with Kaefer and Josep from EOS Barcelona.
Election requirements:
- IG candidates must not run or be directly affiliated with any active Guild Candidates to prevent conflicts of interest.
- For the election to proceed to the voting stage, at least two nominees must be found.
- A certain threshold of voting participation needs to be met for an election to be considered successful. (currently defined as 15M Votes)
- With the winning candidate receiving at least 8M WAX of votes.
If any of these criteria are not met, the election process is repeated until a clear outcome has been determined.
Nominations are open on until:
January 15th 2023
23:59:59 UTC
Voting ends:
January 20th 2023
18:00:00 UTC
The winning candidate’s tenure will begin on the first of February 2023, last for 18 months, and is currently compensated with a monthly reward of circa 150,000 WAX. While this might sound intriguing, the commitment and requirements should not be taken lightly.
Join the race: