April 2020 WAX Guild Ratings Report
The Office of Inspector General would like to announce the release of its April 2020 WAX Guild Ratings report. The committee hopes that everyone in the WAX community is staying safe amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Highlights for this round include:
- 39 Guilds rated, the same number of guilds reported in March 2020
- 8 total standbys, a decrease of 53% over last month. This is primarily due to the addition of a new minimum requirement: all guilds must earn at least 128 points to pass core
- Mean/median score: 176.84/193.00 points
- Estimated hours spent across the committee enhancing the framework and evaluating Guilds: 40 hours
The following standbys have passed the minimum requirements and are prepared to provide service continuity for the WAX Blockchain as needed.
You can view the full details of the latest report by visiting the Guild Ratings list.
As with previous reports, the plan is to target the 15th of each month as a cut-off date for the next round of ratings. Guilds will only need to participate in an initial interview the first time; as usual, rated guilds will be asked to submit updates and will see their scores calculated / changed as the guidelines evolve.
Next date for reviews to begin Thursday, May 7th, 2020 17:00:00 UTC
Next date for reviews to end Thursday, May 14th, 2020 17:00:00 UTC
Self reviews will end Monday, May 18th, 2020 17:00:00 UTC
Report will be finalized Tuesday, May 19th, 2020 17:00:00 UTC
Please join the WAX Guilds Keybase group or WAX Guilds Telegram channel if you have any additional questions or comments. You can also visit the Evaluation Process guide on Notion to learn more. Future reports will be shared in these groups once published.